Consultant in Clinical Genetics & Genomic Medicine
Professor Dhavendra Kumar, MBBS MD DCH MMedSci DABMG(USA) FRCP(Ire) FRCP(Lond) FRCPCH(UK) FACMG(USA) DSc (Hon)
- Consultant in Clinical Genetics & Genomic Medicine
- Wide clinical experience in medical/clinical genetics
- Special interests in Pediatric genetic diseases, clinical dysmorphology, neurogenetics and inherited cardiovascular conditions
- Author/ Editor of many books and journals on genetics and genomics;

Genetic & Genomic Services
Comprehensive clinical genetics service covering wide-ranging specialist areas:
- Comprehensive clinical genetics service covering wide-ranging specialist areas:
- Genetic disease diagnosis with diagnostic genetic testing
- Detailed assessment of birth anomalies In depth review and analysis of the family history
- Specialist advice on cousin marriages (consanguinity)
- Genetic risk review and assessment
- Genetic & Genomic counselling
- Predictive or pre-symptomatic genetic testing
- Genetic & genomic screening for life style and health counselling
- Prenatal screening and testing for chromosomal abnormality or specific genetic disease
- Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis for preventing recurrence of high risk genetic disease
- Medical-legal review and Expert Witness reports related to genetic or possible genetic condition